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Opinion 552

Question Presented

Is it permissible under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct for a lawyer, who has been retained by an insurance company to defend its insured, to (1) furnish to the insurance company's third-party auditor the lawyer's fee statements via electronic mail and (2) pay to the third-party auditor a percentage of the lawyer's fee for auditing such statements?

A lawyer representing an insurance company's insured is required by the insurance company to submit the lawyer's fee statement via electronic mail to a third-party auditor in a specified computer format. The third-party auditor subjects the fee statement to a computer program for the purpose of determining if the lawyer's fees are in compliance with the insurance company's "claim-handling guidelines." The lawyer is also required by the insurance company to pay to the third-party auditor for conducting the audit a percentage of the lawyer's fee.

Bluebook Citation

Tex. Comm. On Professional Ethics, Op. 552 (2004)