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Opinion 522

Question Presented

What disclosures must a law firm make after learning that a partner who recently joined the law firm provided false information regarding his qualifications?

A law firm has discovered that one of its partners who recently joined the firm provided false information to the firm, its lawyers, clients, and potential clients about his background. Specifically, the partner claimed to be a graduate of a law school from which he did not graduate. He claimed to have degrees (MBA and LL.M.) which he has not earned. He also claimed to be licensed in several jurisdictions in which he is not licensed. Although the firm assumed the partner to be licensed in Texas, he is not. He has, since joining the firm, applied for admission to the State Bar of Texas.

Based on data provided by the partner, the firm sent resumes to clients, potential clients, and its lender which included the false information. Additionally, the partner, with the firm’s approval and sponsorship, has sought admission to practice in one or more jurisdictions where the false information has been included in the applications for admission.

As a result of the firm’s discovery of the misrepresentations, it has been decided that the partner will leave the firm.

Bluebook Citation

Tex. Comm. On Professional Ethics, Op. 522 (1997)