Alicia Freeman

Alicia Freeman

Alicia Freeman is a Licensed Professional Counselor with a master’s degree in clinical mental health Counseling and a bachelor’s in political science. Before obtaining her master’s, she worked in grassroot campaigning for four years and dedicated 1 year of service to AmeriCorps NCCC, a nationally known volunteer program in which she worked as a team leader, traveling across the southern region of the country helping to make non-profit organizations more sustainable. Working for AmeriCorps renewed Alicia’s passion for helping others and interest in finding ways to impact on her community. Alicia has worked in the mental health field since 2016. She is a TLAP Clinical Professional for Texas Lawyer Assistance Program at the State Bar of Texas, the owner of Freeman Counseling and Consulting LLC, and co-host for podcast My Therapist Needs a Therapist.

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